Sunday, August 19, 2007

Russel Lissau's Corn on the cob

You want to make really good corn on the cob? Don't boil it. GRILL it. 1. Preheat your grill as hot as it will get.
2. Clean grill surface when grill is hot. (So many people forget this key step.)
3. Take the corn out of the husk.
4. Clean corn free of stringy husk bits.
5. Pour vegetable oil over corn in a pot/tray. Don't give the corn a bath in it, but let it sit in the oil. Roll it around. Let it sit for a while. (Also, don't bother with expensive olive oil here. The oil is to protect the object being grilled, not for flavor. Only use the expensive oils later in the process when grilling.)
6. Lower the temperature of the grill to medium.
7. Put the corn on the grill. Cover the grill.
8. Turn the corn cobs when they start to brown and the sugar in the kernels crystalizes. A good tip that they're ready to be turned is when you hear them popping like popcorn.
9. Brown all the sides.
10. Remove, after about 15 minutes or so. You can test the kernels (squeezing them) to ensure they're done.
11. Eat.

I guarantee this will be the best corn you've ever eaten. No butter or salt needed. It's amazing.

Other grilled vegetables (carrots, peppers, onions) work the same way. Soak in oil, heat until browned/seared, turn, remove. I'll never boil a veggie again.

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