Sunday, August 19, 2007

benjones' Famous Soup

It's getting to be soup weather. Get bones of chickens, toss into a pot with celery and carrots and onions and simmer the fuckers down into a stock for 12 hours. Fish out all the mush and store the liquid in the fridge overnight.

Next day, heat it up, add a bunch of white wine, fresh veggies, meat of whatever beast you like, rice, potatoes, spices to taste. At that point it's next to impossible to make something bad. Just keep the heat low, and in a couple hours it's the best damn soup in known creation.

I store my chicken bones in the freezer until I have enough to stockify. And then I make enough soup to last four or five days. I always make an announcement to my email list when the soup is ready. Because, you know, I'm such a giving soul.

(Via Derek Burrows: The one instruction that Ben forgot is to skim the crap off your stock before you turn it into real soup. All the fat rises to the top in the fridge in a thick, white disc. Said fat isn't great in the soup (though your stock WILL be a bit clearer for it), but IIRC it can be used for other things. Skimming it off is the best thing to do with it.)

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